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Rationale for Objective:
Kagera region like others in country has people living with HIV and AIDS, similarly it is facing the problem of new infections as a result of unfavourable habit related to partners’ relationships. The special concern of the region is that no single family that has not been affected by the epidemic.
There has been high rate of new HIV/AIDs infection in Kagera Region at a rate of 6.5 percent making the region to be the 5th out of 26 regions in Tanzania mainland according to the “Tanzania HIV Impact Survey (THIS) 2016 - 2017”. The vulnerability to the problem deserves intervention by RS for its staff and the community at large through giving service to infect so that they can continue delivering service and protect others from being infected. With this objective the region is envisaging to reduce infection rate hence, having improved health and socio- economic wellbeing of the community and staff in particular. To address these challenges, the following strategy will be adopted;
HIV/AIDS awareness creation to 819 RS staff and 8 LGAs community members facilitated by June, 2021
HIV/AIDS quality care and treatment services in 8 LGAs and 10 other stakeholders supervised by June 2021
HIV/AIDS clinical prevention and health education quality in 8 LGAs and 10 other stakeholders monitored by June 2021
HIV/AIDS services at work place in 13 Sections/Units strengthened by June 2021;
HIV/AIDS infections prevention campaigns in 13 Sections/Units’ promoted by June 2021.
Rationale for Objective:
The region is not safe against corruption problems in its government institutions, parastatals and other service providers of public service. It’s also worth recalling the thrust of the President of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Joseph Pombe Magufuli in his speeches especially the Parliament Inaugural Speech of November 2015.
Notwithstanding the importance given by National leadership to corruption due to its evils of weakening the good governance and depriving people’s rights, the region identifies it that in most cases corruption deterred rights of people to access important services provided.
The Regional Secretariat in ensuring robust social-economic development of people is determined to deal with corruption in all angles. To address these challenges, the following strategy will be adopted;
Rationale for Objective:
The quality of public services designated in ensuring that inhabitants of Kagera region has reasonable achievement socially and economically reveals minimal change of lives. Statistically in 2015 Kagera Region had a share of the national GDP which was 3.9 percent which is equivalent to TShs. 3,580,745 million. Kagera Region ranked 10th among Mainland regions in percentage contribution/share to the national Gross Domestic Product. On average Kagera region per capita income is about 1,075,268/= which is below the national standard that amount to ….. for the year 2015 Economic Review data.
Moreover, Kagera is connected to the neighbouring countries and regions by tarmac roads. Large part of the region is passable in almost throughout the year although more effort is needed to ensure that all roads are passable through the year.
According to TDHS report of 2015, Nutrition status mainly stunting revealed that the region is ranked 23rd among 26 regions in a Country. This level is very low compare to other regions while potentials for quality nutrition are evidenced in supply food to other neighbouring regions. Agriculture also a leading sector in terms of contribution to the regional GDP, however the performance of the sector has not been very impressive. In Kagera region people accessing safe, clean and portable water in urban and district are 86% and 62% respectively.
The region’s industrial base is still at infant stage and generally displays a slow pace in terms of growth and development. Kagera regional secretariat has to ensure that the fifth government industrial initiative is well implemented.
It is therefore important to ensure that the capacity to deliver social and economic services in the regions are well performed and coordinated to uplift the region to the better position country wide.
Provision of Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary Schools, Adult and Formal Education in 8 LGAs supervised by June, 2021.
Capacity to implement Education and Vocational Training Policy in 8 LGAs and other Stakeholders co-ordinated by June, 2021.
Capacity on Youth development opportunities identification and adoption in 8 LGAs and other stakeholders facilitated by June 2021
Expertise facilitation on Agriculture sector to 8 LGA and other 10 Stakeholders by provided June 2021
Expertise facilitation on Livestock sector to 8 LGA and other 4 stake holders provided by June 2021
Expertise facilitation on Fisheries sector to 8 LGA and other 1 stakeholder provided by June 2021
Expertise facilitation on Natural resources management sector to 8 LGA and other 1 stakeholder provided by June 2021
Expertise facilitation on Cooperative sector to 8 LGA and other 6 stakeholders provided by June 2021
Expertise facilitation on Trade sector to 8 LGA and other 3 stakeholders provided by June 2021
Managerial and supervisory functions of RS/RHMT/CHMT in 8 LGAs provided by June 2021
Disease control and disaster management services capacity in 8 LGAs strengthened by June 2016
Capacity building on health and social welfare services delivery to 20 RS/RHMT strengthened by June 2016.
Access to sufficient and quality water in the Region improved by June 2021
Regional transport and land use plan improved by June,2021
% of revenue collected by LGAs from own sources
% of new investments made in the Region
Rationale for Objective:
KRS is mandated to be a central government representative in the region, exercising that it has to be a link between the LGAs and MDAs, through provision of expertise and advisory services which are multi-dimensional to LGAs and enable the LGAs to enhance good governance and deliver quality public services. Several critical issues identified needs KRS intervention into performance of LGAs in achieving desirable development through coordinated and quality policy implementation, monitoring and performance evaluation.
Moreover advisory, coordination, supportive supervision to LGAs on proper operation of service and technical backstopping is required to effective better service delivery to Kagera residents. Meanwhile to facilitate timely writing of comprehensive evidence based progressive reports for development projects implemented in RS and LGAs and disseminate to the user for planning and other further actions. It to this end that KRS has to play its roles of facilitating LGAs in terms of compilation sector reports and give feedback for policy decisions and directives with the sole cause of ensuring national priorities trickles down to community.
To address these challenges, the following strategy will be adopted
Implementation of Culture and Sports Policy in 8 LGAs by supervised and coordinated by June, 2021.
National Examinations for Primary, Secondary and teachers college in 8 LGAs coordinated and supervised by 2021.
Rationale for Objective:
Since independence in 1961 the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has recognized good governance as a critical element to enhance and sustain development of people.
Therefore, Kagera region like other regions is obliged to adhere to the laws and regulations based on promoting good governance. Good governance as a critical issue to be realized legal meeting like regional consultative committee, disaster management committee, neighborhood meeting and other meeting need to be emphasized
Kagera region like other region in the United Republic of Tanzania is obliged to operate according to the rule of law and this has been insisted in the Constitution of The United Republic of Tanzania and other laws and regulations and thus as the region need to adhere to all components of it that include rule of law, democracy, gender equality, community participation, transparence, accountability and responsibility. Working culture that respect and implement requirement of those components of good governance assures inclusive and robust people centered development.
Administration and its services together with Human Resources management are so important to any organization in order to realize its goal and objectives. A Kagera Regional secretariat as an institution requires strong attention on them to achieve its objectives then thereafter delivers according to its mission and reach to its vision. Kagera regional secretariat Human resources availability is a challenge for the long period, at present there is only 519 out 819 required employees. Labor turn over, transfer as well as lack of motivation has been the challenges at KRS to retain staff.
Thus in order the KRS to realize her goal there is a needs to improve the staff’s services such as constructing of staff residence houses, payment their rights in time, motivation and recognition etc.
To address these challenges, the following strategy will be adopted
Quality financial management and accounting services to 13 Departments/Units of KRS provided by 2021.
Financial management and accounting capacities for 12 finance and accounts staffs facilitated by 2021.
Quality assurance and consultation services designed to add value in 13 Units and/or Sections of KRS provided by June, 2021
Internal controls systems capacities for 3 internal audit staffs facilitated by 2021
Planning and Coordination Capacities and capabilities of seven (7) staff facilitated by June, 2021
Planning and implementation of statutory KRS meetings and services strengthening seminars coordinated by June, 2021
Compliance to the government financial regulations, accounting and procurement procedures in 8 LGAs fostered by June, 2021
Capacity of 8 LGAs in Budget preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation built by June, 2021
Capacity in laws interpretation, regulations and directives governing administration and Legal services in 8 LGAs strengthened by June, 2021
Local Government Management Capacities for LGMS section built by June, 2021
Capacity on facilitation of economic and productive development expertise to 11 staff of sector built by June 2021
Leadership capacity development programs in ethics and values implemented to 50 RS staff by June 2021.
Offices (4) and residential accommodation (2) for RS officials provided by June, 2021;
Performance Management Systems (Complaints handling system OPRAS and Client Service Charter etc.) annually reviewed by June, 2021.
KRS performance monitoring and evaluation secretariat services in 12 meetings annually facilitated by June, 2021.
KRS’s Human Resources Training Program coordinated and implemented by June 2021
Capacities on legal services for 3 staff built by June 2021
Legal expertise services in KRS and 8 LGAs provided by June 2021
ICT and e-government implementation to KRS and 8 LGAs coordinated by June,2021
ICT and Management Information Systems deployed at KRS and 8 LGAs managed by June,2021
Training Needs Assessment on MIS and ICT and capacity building plan prepared and implemented by June, 2021
Quality procurement management and supplies services in 13 department/units of RS provided by 2021
Quality procurement management and supplies capacities for 4 procurement management unit staff facilitated by 2021.
Labour turnover rate
Level of satisfaction
Proportion of gender balance in decision making positions
Audit rating
% of LGAs with clean certificates
% of customers who are satisfied with RS services
Ofisi ya Mkuu wa Mkoa Kagera
Postal Address: S.L.P 299 BUKOBA
Telephone: 255 28 2220215/17
Email: ras.kagera@tamisemi.go.tz
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